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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Juego Studio Placement Papers

#Juego_Studio Placement_papers :- Must follow :

#NOte :- As its Gaming Company so Must go through this company site " www.juegostudio.com"
And also Please prepare well about any games which you have played!

___________ FOR Trainee Software Engineer ______

Interview Rounds :-

  • 1. Written Test
  • 2. Group Discussion
  • 3. Technical ROund
  • 4. HR 


1. Written ROUND :- Prepare well from APti & reasoning Skill...Follow Indiabix apti/reasoning questions !
Written Programming (Technical) Test Round (30-40 minutes) : Prepare well from your known programming skill! You should have good knowledge in programming!

2. Groupd Discussion :- PLease follow all the Latest Indiabix GD topics!

3. Technical Round :- Prepare well from your programming skill, GO through your resume each and every content ! Prepare well from ALL Programmming related questions!

4. HR round :- Go through commonly asked HR questions, Prepare well from some games Info !

___________ FOR Trainee TEst Engineer ______

Interview Rounds :-

1. Group Discussion : It was first face to face interview round introduction and then GD. First round was to cheak our communication skills,next round was group discussion on topic "games which you have played".There mainly about games we have to talk because the role for which hiring is going on was tester,where a person have to play the game and find the bugs. The person who knows very well about the games is…
3. Technical ROund : GO through ALL gaming Concepts, Testing concepts, Testing to on-line / off-line games n all !
4. HR :Go through commonly asked HR questions, Prepare well from some games Info !


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