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Friday, January 23, 2015

Q. Which is in the correct sense??

(A)This child, who was misdiagnosed, thrive by spirit.
(B)This child, who was misdiagnosed, thrives by spirit.
(C)This child, who was misdiagnosed, thrived by spirit.


Q. What does sexist language means?
(A)Language indicating towards woman
(B)Information conveyed as being a male
(C)language indicating difference between man and woman


Q. It is considered a breach of etiquette ta have documents signed by administrative assistant

ANS: False

Q. Sign by blue ink is authentic if done by blue ink TRUE or FALSE


Q. Introduction should be added
(A) before brainstorm
(B) same time of body of letter
(C) at end of letter


means the letter with 3 other documents.

True Or False


Q. What is the error in the sentence?

"She is a good babysitter. Qualified,professional and fun."

(A)Dangling Modifier
(B)Run-on Sentence

Q. Which is the correct way to end a business letter?
(D)Both B and C


Q. Which is the correct use of pronoun ??

(a) Each executive
(b) Few Of the executive
(c) One Of the Executive
(d) All Of the above


Q. Which is correct?

(a) Dear President Smith;
(b) Dear Mr Smith;
(c) Dear Mr Smith:


Q.In formal document prepared for meeting should contain
1. Purpose of document
2. User expection from the document
3. Brief details n content about document
4. All of these

ANS: 3

In formal email personal introduction should be done.

1. After the body of letter
2. Within body of letter
3. At the start of body of letter

ANS: 3

In formal letter for better understanding
1. Repeat ideas with picture and all
2. repeat important ideas
3. Refrain from repeating ideas
4. One and two

ANS: 3

In email we use gender-neutral language then what is sexist language ???

Q. Correct form of English:
a) Samuel was with Susan and I
b) Samuel was with Susan and me
c) Samuel was with I and Susan
d) Samuel was with me and Susan
e) None of these


Find the active voice sentence below...

1)The car has driven by him
2)He cleaned the car
3)It will be more complex algorithm

ANS: 2

The short form of mail to write regarding changing lunch hours,Which of the following options the form contains?

1)Specific details
2)Context and problem
3)Regarding lunch hours
5)all the above

ANS: 3

Q)The coachy my best friend play with me everyday. Write the sentence using comma at appropriate position

Q)Is that emotions used in formal emails ?? True/ false

  1. 41.45,41.5,42,18.23,18.2,18,......(73.09)
  2. 6,9,11,13,17,20,22,24,28....(27)
  3. 2^11,1024.2^9,256,2^7,.....(64)
  4. 7,19,43,91,187..........(379)
  5. 7/6,3/2,1,5/6,13/6,2,1/2.........(??)
  6. 1,2,3,5,7,10,13,17...........(21)
  7. 12,13,14,12,13,13,12,13,12,13,13........(11)
  8. -23,-16,18,14,-52,-45,37,33,-65..................(58)
  9. 0.3,0.6,1.6,3.2,5.2,10.4,13.4,26.8.............(30.8).
  10. .00005,.001,.02,.4.....(800)
  11. 4,3,7,14,13,22,21...........(17)
  12. 1.386,1.39,1.4,1,3.823,3.82,3.8,4,4.277.....(4.28)
  13. 8,27,64,125,216,..........(343)
  14. 13,14,15,16,18,19,20,22,23.....(24)
  15. 2,8,3,27,4,64....(5)

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