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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Tessolve Semiconductor Placement papers and patterns

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#Tessolve Semiconductor Placement papers and patterns.. Must follow.!

Shared by some guys
The process consisted of 4 rounds.
1. Online test: No aptitude questions, only technical questions on Electronics (analog, digital and everything).
2. 1st interview (Technical): Questions will be asked on how you solved the questions in the test (just to make sure it wasn't a guess). Also, few other technical questions will be asked.
3. 2nd interview (Technical): Any electronic question can be asked from a capacitor to a cmos and anything related to that.
Note: These 2 interviews can be taken by senior technical managers to even the president(who are all technically very strong) !!
4. 3rd interview (HR): Normal HR questions

 Shared by another :-
First round was technical aptitude..
contain around 27 questions from digital electronics,networks basics questions,one question from c,opamp 4 questions,
one question from ADC (SIMPLE),Analog electronics one simple BJT Question
Overall first round contain all basic question from ece subjects.
2. ROUND was technical interview .
they ask me about the project.and ask question from first round technical question paper how you solve.
3.ROUND was again technical interview.
ask basic question about the inductor ,capacitor,Impedance ,POWER,VOLTAGE,CURRENT .
4.ROUND was HR-->asked about family ,family background ,are you interested in M.E

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  1. plz... Upload the Tessolve semiconductor placement paper and pattern.I have placement on 27th june...


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