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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

IBM Latest Interview Experience FEB-2017


Hello Guys..
I joined this CrackMNC about a month back unaware of the fact that CrackMNC will actually play a vital role in my success.
Today I received my confirmation from IBM and proudly I am an IBMer now.. A big THANK YOU to CrackMNC.com ,all the admins are doing a fabulous job for its visitors. CrackMNC Team is doing a fabulous ground work and giving a launch pad for all its members. A special mention to Divas Nikhra. Bhaiya .. You have been my guiding lamp. The thing what you said me once remained in my mind ie. "One needs to work smartly rather than hardly and job milne k liye 2months bhi kafi hai ".
I wanted to prove it, since this was my very first Interview and fortunately I cracked it . Bhaiyu because of you I could get this opportunity to attend the IBM drive and I am grateful .
Coming to my interview experience .. I hope my experience will help many job seekers who are about to attend the upcoming IBM drives.
I attended the Mangalore drive on 8th Feb. It was a 2 days process. The first day was the online test. The pattern for the same is : Series section (18ques. per ques 2min 15secs), Quant section(18ques. per ques 2min 15secs), Business communication section(22ques in 20mins) and the Java coding (1program in 45-60mins).

1) For series
I solved the 100 ques which were posted recently in this group by one of the member. That is enough to crack this round. One can refer CrackMNC site Aptitude section too. you can find 5-6 ques repeated.Solving 100-150 ques will give u confidence to solve any series thrown at u. I would suggest you guys to look for the series on the screen rather than writing down the same on the paper n then solving it.
2) For the quant section please download the IBM material available in this group and solve the previous yr papers. The ques will be repeated or will hve the same pattrn with some data chnged. Apti is very easy and scoring. Just manage the time properly.
3) For english section the previous yr papers are more than sufficient. 95%of the ques are repeated 4) For the coding round I had prepared only the 5 programs which were asked in the previous drives bt in Mangalore drive all new ques were asked . I would advise you guys not to give up looking at the ques please try n try, use some logic and u can easily crack this. One has to write only the logic which will be hardly of 4-5 lines and has to pass two given test cases.
My program was :

WAP to convert the alternate characters of the string to upper case . The first letter of the string has to be Capital.
I/P:We are the worlD
O/P: We ArE tHe WoRlD

I/P: this is some code
O/P: ThIs Is SoMe CoDe

Other programs were :
1)WAP to convert the string into Camel case.
2) Wap to convert the string into Sentence case.
3)Wap to find a desired char in the string and print its ASCII value
Be perfect with String methods . Please look for the programs which are posted in CrackMNC recently . Prepare those well..
# Focus more on series and apti because the cut off for these sections is really high . Only 10-15% of the strength could clear this round . This is observed in every drive. Only 43 people were selected. We did with our docs verification and biometrisc the same day. Next day was TR+HR. Once you clear the first round you are 95% an IBMer..

Next day, I was the first one from off campus candidates to go for the HR.Key to crack this round is your confidence and fluency in speaking. Prepare your project and resume well . Do some HR ques . Give a good intro . Because" First Impression is the last impression" . Keep a smile on ur face throughout ur interview.

Me: Good Morning Sir !
HR: Good Morning. Have a seat.
He made me wait as he was checking my details in the portal. The HR was really cool though aged between 40-45. He was friendly .After about 5 mins he turned towards me.
HR: So you stay at Bangalore ? I would like to know more about you .
Me: Gave my intro and spoke about why I wanna work at IBM . He was happy to know my aim because he gave a big smile in response as I started talking about IBM.
HR: So do you want to explain me any of your projects?
ME: Explained my academic project.
HR: what was ur role in the project? Did u make use of Database? How did u work on Notifications and GCM? Was it a team project? On what basis did u distribute the work? Ques about internship? What did you do in this span of 9 months? Any ques for me ?
I answered all the ques confidently and did ask him few ques(do ask ques it shows ur alacrity towards this opportunity) . My interview went well .Just be confident in your every ans and keep a smile on ur face. Basically they check ur command over the language.
HR: Thank you  He sent me to the Board room for further doc verification.. N finally today i received the confirmation.

#NOTE : if you miss to submit 3 ques in time you will be locked out of the test. So please keep an eye on the time. No Negative marking so attempt all the ques . If you are not sure about a ques, make an educated guess try ur luck n move on... Most imp smart preparation and just one opportunity is enough to turn u from a job seeker to a job holder.
Hope this will help people out here n sorry for the long post. Thank You CrackMNC Team. Finally I am an IBMer now.

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