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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

About Less % ,Year Gap and Old batch passout year problem

#Just_for_Your_Help : About Less % ,Year Gap and Old batch passout year problem.

Keep in Mind this. You people will face problem just for getting first job! later on after getting experience no one gonna ask why you have less % or year gap or older batch n all!

#No doubt you should match companies criteria but here in IT industry not all companies asking good criteria..! Many companies hiring based on your skill your knowledge! For Service based MNC's you should match criteria like Accenture, IBM, Wipro, Tech M, TCS, CTS, CGI, Capgemini, Siemes
Just don't think about these 10-15 companies..because apart from these MNC's many other good product based, start-ups, CMM level 3 companies present who's ready to hire you based on your skill ! IF these Companies asking some minimum criteria then Just make it in your resume and apply!
Now next question you people gonna ask. I am rejected in HR or final rounds in so on so companies just because of less criteria! SO people Don't tell anything to HR or other people. Just clear all rounds of such companies and then let us know before going for any document verification. We will suggest you based on Company!

#Work Hard for creating any kind of IT job opportunity. Simply sitting ideal just because of not having any good criteria not gonna help you at all !

#Motivate yourself ..Improve on your poor area's !

#Guys getting a job is for one-time. But if you are getting job based on your proper Skill then TRUST me you gonna survive longer n longer in IT firms!

#Our Team missing to share all job opportunities info...So just do R & D By own and keep contacting, keep creating opportunities!

#Leave about frustration, tension, problem ...Motivate yourself and Move towards your Goal!

All the Best

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