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Monday, February 6, 2017

Tech Mahindra Placement papers and patterns

#Tech_Mahindra Placement papers and patterns

Prepare well :- Its One day Process so prepare well for all round

Tech Mahindra  Criteria : 10th - 60% , 12th - 70% , Final degree - 60% 

Selection Procedure:

  • 1) Online Test
  • 2) Essay Writing 
  • 3) Technical Round
  • 4) HR Round.

1. Online Test :-
which consists of 130 questions and the duration is 80 minutes. There is no negative marking and sectional time limit.
English is very easy and can be cracked by anyone who has a good vocabulary. Time management is necessary for quants section. After submitting the paper the result will be displayed whether we are selected or not.
#Online test consist of two parts- Aptitude & English - NO NEGATIVE marking.

Aptitude consists of 3 parts comprising of 70 questions (time management needed here)
  • 1. Non verbal reasoning(35 questions)
  • 2. Verbal reasoning(20 questions)
  • 3.Quantitative (15 questions)

RS Aggarwal is sufficient for aptitude but try to do fast and so all questions as there is no negative marking.

Second part is English it has 8 sections and 100 questions.
  • 1. Tenses(10 questions)
  • 2. Articles(10 questions)
  • 3. Verbiage (synonymms 10 questions)
  • 4. Confusing words (similar sound words typ principle/principal etc 10 questions)
  • 5. Reading comprehension(10 questions very easy 1)
  • 6. Subject verb agreement(20 questions do this from cat material or simmilar)
  • 7. Prepositions(20 questions easy one)
  • 8. (y)Articles (10 questions)
Each section has different cut of may b 60% in English and 70% in Aptitude which can be increased or decreased by Tech Mahindra. [I am not sure about this thing]
2. Second Round : Essay writing

we had to ensure that there are no grammatical and spelling mistakes. We should not use SMS language. My topic is
"Participation of youth in politics"
3. Third Round : TR Round which is very simple and whether it is non CSE or CSE all we have to do is to gain grip over fundamentals.
In TR, he asked me,
Tell me about yourself?
What are data structures?
Tell me about queues?
Write a code for inheritance in Java?
What are joins in DBMS?
Write a code for swapping two arrays?

Situational question:

If you are a project leader and your team member has absconded, how will you handle the situation.
After this he asked me to wait outside and I was selected for the HR round.
4. Fourth Round :- HR round
is simplest round of all and be careful don't bring false resume as they will ask questions regarding the resume.
He asked me the following questions,
What is your name?
Where are you from?
Where did you travel lastly and what did you like there?
What is your alternative other than engineering?
Tell me about this company?
Do you have any questions for me?

Be prepared to ask at least one question. Be careful while answering questions and use proper communication skills. Finally 24 got selected including me. Hope my review helps you.

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