- Hello world
- Print Integer
- Addition
- Odd or Even
- Add, subtract, multiply and divide
- Check vowel
- Leap year
- Add digits
- Factorial
- HCF and LCM
- Decimal to binary conversion
- ncR and nPr
- Add n numbers
- Swapping
- Reverse number
- Palindrome number
- Print Pattern
- Diamond
- Prime numbers
- Find armstrong number
- Generate armstrong number
- Fibonacci series
- Print floyd's triangle
- Print pascal triangle
- Addition using pointers
- Maximum element in array
- Minimum element in array
- Linear search
- Binary search
- Reverse array
- Insert element in array
- Delete element from array
- Merge arrays
- Bubble sort
- Insertion sort
- Selection sort
- Add matrices
- Subtract matrices
- Transpose matrix
- Multiply two matrices
- Print string
- String length
- Compare strings
- Copy string
- Concatenate strings
- Reverse string
- Find palindrome
- String to integer
- Delete vowels
- C substring
- Sort a string
- Remove spaces
- Change case
- Swap strings
- Character's frequency
- Anagrams
- Read file
- Copy files
- Merge two files
- List files in a directory
- Delete file
- Random numbers
- Add complex numbers
- Print date
- Get IP address
- Shutdown computer
Translate it in your own Language
C language programs
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